Elizabeth Warren’s horoscope has been on fire all year, due to
the rare 2020 Summer Solstice Eclipse exact on her natal Sun./Uranus.
Not to mention the eclipse triggered by the Great Conjunction on the
Winter Solstice (which falls EXACT on Warren’s Jupiter) at Zero Aquarius.
These are extraordinary cosmic events reflecting an extraordinary time of transition on Earth.
This cosmic connection makes Warren the apt choice for Biden’s Vice President...
...and moving beyond that...into becoming the first woman POTUS.
A choice that was a given from the start, considering these factors:
He goes for comfort (Taurus Moon) and he has comfort with Warren.
He wanted her as his 2016 running mate.
She is the front runner choice raising the most for his campaign
She already has a track record as advisor to the current candidate.
Clearly, the smokescreen of considering a black woman for the position gave the impression that Biden was reacting to the rise of BLM into a global movement.
Yet, the 360 perspective of astrology necessitates a broader view.
For example, the astrological data reveals that every president elected in a zero year dies in office. This is a distinct possibility in 2020, considering every Biden appearance places doubt that he is physically and mentally fit for POTUS.
Biden needs Warren to support his message (Her Saturn on his 9th House North Node). Their shared power reflects the USA birth as the place where the 21St century icon of the Hieros a Gamos (USA South Node & Moon in Aquarius) is being played out.
Here is the natal chart comparison.
The standout factor with Elizabeth Warren is her close Sun/Uranus conjunction in Cancer, which makes her a de facto Aquarian, in an EXACT conjunction with the rare Solar Eclipse on the Summer Solstice Reset we had this year.
Her chart makes her the prototype American with her Venus/MC (marked in green on the USA chart below) exact on the 19 degrees midpoint of the USA Sun/Mercury.
In conclusion, Elizabeth Warren bound for ascension to POTUS by a surprising route (Uranus on her Sun triggered by the eclipse) by way of her personal prototypical passage reflecting America’s death & resurrection under the Great Pause of 2020.
Stay tuned for my next posting on the Uber Yod triggered now through the Democratic National Convention, spectacularly timed to the Leo New Moon, triggering the USA Moon in Aquarius (marked in green below).
It is certainly time for a woman POTUS and the Biden presidency is the vehicle!
Sources: USA birth horoscope is the Sibly chart timed for the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Warren’s chart is from twilightstarsong that claims to have been given her birth time in 2013. Biden’s birth time is rated A on Astrodatabank.
Reagan broke the string of assassinations. Obviously. But I'll bet Trump is shot at if not killed after the wins. My money is on KAMELA for the VP. Pick. I think Warren will be a very effective Senator fighting the oligarchs and enacting legislation that will eventually be the law of the land. Jupiter is law after all. The. WARREN Act will curb the banks like Glass-Steagel did.